• Protein is one of the main macronutrients. It is responsible for repairing, maintaining and building our muscles.

  • Protein will help you with not only repairing but keeping you feeling full.

  • Eat 1.5-2g per KG of your weight daily.

  • Start tracking your protein however it suits you best.

Deadlifts and lowerback pain

Deadlifts work the following: (Muscles target)

  • Gluteus

  • Quadriceps

  • Hamstrings

  • Erector Spinae

  • Trapezius

  • Levator Scapulae

  • Rhomboids

  • Latissimus dorsi

  • biceps

  • Rectus Abdominis

  • Obliques

When you’re feeling your lowerback:

  • The lowerback muscle, erector spinae should work when doing deadlifts as it is a muscle which should be getting stronger.

  • If you are feeling stress you need to determine if its:

    -Hot/dull= musclular stress

    -cold sharp= nerve/spinal stress.

  • Stiffness/swelling in left and the right of your spine is likely a pump. Pain in the centre of the lower back or in your upper pelvis might mean you should adjust your technique.

  • You may also experience some sensation in your mid or upper back, but this is not associated with injury during dealifts

Things to consider when deadlifting to ensure your lower back isn’t loading up all the work:

  • Are you bracing the core?

  • Are you hinging back far enough?

  • Are you over shooting your hips?

  • Are you rounding your back? Are you pushing with your legs and pulling with your upperbody?

Make sure when you are doing deadlifts you are having adequate recovery between sets.

Weightloss: Energy in VS Energy out

  • Weightloss occurs from either being in a calorie deficit, (Eating less calories) or burning more calories.

  • Unfortunately, most people have full time jobs, kids or have limited time already to train.

  • Rather than getting them doing an extra 1-2 sessions of exercise per day, we can modify the foods which will promote weight loss.

  • Creating better food habits will serve you better long term.

  • A simple example is swapping the pizza for a tin of tuna.

    You cannot outrun a bad diet!

Nutrition tip for weightloss clients!

  • To help clients in a fatloss phase drop weight, simply increase the portions of fibrous carbs and protein during every meal.

  • Both fibre and protein will keep clients more full. It will have less calories in the meal (Veggies are low in calories).

  • This will prevent overeating.

  • So next time you are making something to eat ask yourself:

    — How much protein is in this?

    — How much fibre is in this?

SIMON SAYS you can SIMON SAYS you can

The snack attack tips

If you are feeling peckish and need a quick snack we have a few tips for you!

  • Think about protein content. (How much protein does this have? It will help with keeping you more full and help you get closer to your daily amount.

    — Simple examples= Protein shakes, Protein bars, boiled eggs, tuna cans and protein yogurts.

  • Think about fibre content. (How many pieces of fruit have I had today? Fibre can help curb hunger levels and it also assits with bowel movements).

    — Simple examples= any fruits, corn, high fibre bread, oats and lentils.

  • Think about your hydration levels. (Water can help reduce levels of hunger. Most people are dehydrated and should be consuming 3-5 litres of water daily).

    — Simple examples= water, tea, watermelon.

What tips do you use when you’re feeling snacky?

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Lower Body Workout!

  • Keep it simple when training legs:

  • Do two compound movements (deadlifts and front squats).

  • Do two isolated leg exercises (sissy squats and seated leg curls).

  • Add some calves for some fun too!

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SIMON SAYS you can SIMON SAYS you can

How to achieve your 2024 fitness goals!

  • The first step is to make your goals achievable. Make your goals realistic and sustainable.

  • The second step is to focus on changing one habit at a time. Do not bite off more than you can chew. Keep it simple.

  • Third step is to do exercise/fitness which you enjoy. If you like boxing or swimming and it makes you more accountable, then do that. The more you enjoy something, then the more consistent you will be.

  • If you need someone to help you to start with your fitness goals, feel free to contact us at one of our available gyms.

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SIMON SAYS you can SIMON SAYS you can

Do I need to take protein powder?

Is protein powder essential? Firstly, are you training the gym and are you looking to sculpt and shape your muscles? If so, you going to need to have your daily requirement for protein to find this out. It's 2x times your body weight in grams. 🏋️🏋️

If you can get your protein from whole foods sources such as meat, eggs and dairy, then you're sweet don't worry about using protein powder.✅✅

Just for reference a boiled egg has 6g of protein 🤯 (that's a lot of eggs)

Otherwise I would highly recommend clients to get a protein powder as the vast majority of clients normally under consume their daily protein target.

As it suggests, supplement it in if you cannot hit your daily requirement with a supplement.

Also for vegan clients as it is normally harder to get protein from vegetables, lentils and tofu. All of my vegan clients recommend a vegan friendly protein powder too (Pea,Rice,fava bean blends)

We also sell some protein powder in our four clubs
-anytime fitness leichhardt
-anytime fitness lewisham
-anytime fitness Drummoyne
-anytime fitness Balmain

Alternatively message @thecavenutritionstore
The best supplement store in the inner west

#ssyc #simonsaysyoucan #simplenutrition #simplesnacks #proteinmakesmuscles #proteinmatters #proteins #proteinfood #proteinshake #supplements #bulknutrients #fitnessandhealth #fitness #anytimefitnesslewisham #anytimefitness #anytimefitnessbalmain #anytimefitnessleichhardt #anytimefitnessdrummoyne #innerwest #sydney

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Sleep and the steps to improve your sleep

Sleep and the steps to improve your sleep

In sleep there are four different stages. Each stage contribution differently on how well your sleep was and how deep you were in your sleep. So why do we hear people mentioning they have such poor sleep and how does that contribute to our performance in the gym and results wises?

Firstly we tend to look at our client habits prior to getting into bed and see if and of the following habits occur before night time. These are examples we like to ask our clients

Do you practice the same routine prior to bed each night?
To practice a sleep routine prior to sleep can encourage sleeping precursors in the brain to promote feelings of sleepiness.
Do you consume caffeine prior to sleep ?
Yes, food like chocolate and coffee prior to bed can delay your bodies sleep signals from setting in.
Do you stimulate your eyes and brain prior to bed?
Watching netflix and playing video games prior to bed can keep you awake longer as the screens emit a blue light, this light can delay your natural production of melatonin, whichcan decrase feeling sleepiness.
Do you have work and ideas running through their mind while in bed?
Having your mind running around whilst in bed cant trigger our mind to delay sleep proceeses from starting up.
Do you perform any breathing or muscle relaxing techniques prior to bed?
Doing some *belly breathing* can help with your mind drifting off and slowing down your breathing rate

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SIMON SAYS you can SIMON SAYS you can

How to battle hunger

Ever felt hungry shortly after eating a meal?

One of the main reasons we get hungry after eating is due to the lack of protein and/or fiber in the meal.
Most of the meals we see are high in carbohydrates (starches) rather than protein and fibrous foods, often some of the foods can be highly processed which can lead to over consumption and not feeling satisfied from the meal.

Both protein and fiber keep us satiated (feeling full). This prevents over eating from occurring.

When you look at your next meal, look at the amount of refined carbohydrates in comparison to protein and fibre. Always try to have more protein and fiber to minimize hunger from occurring.

Water can help too as water can help with suppressing hunger levels and often hunger can be interpreted as thirst, try to drink half a liter of water prior to a big meal which will assist those hunger levels.

Key notes from this
-Focus on protein (lean meats preferable)
-Focus on fibre (fruits & vegetables)
-Focus on portion control between the different macronutrients
-Drink more water
-Prevent over consumption of junk food/highly processed foods

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SIMON SAYS you can SIMON SAYS you can

How to start the New year and achieve those goals

It all begins with an idea.

January is the busiest time of the year for every gym and personal training company. All the new members who sign up come with big goals. They want to change everything at once. The new year's resolutions often target nutrition (no junk food), training frequency, intensity of workouts,and often a new fad that tells people they can reach their goals quicker and easier.

Some of the goals we tend to hear are: 

  • I want to lose 20 kilograms plus

  • I want to be shredded like this Instagram person

  • I want to be in the best shape of my life as fast as possible. 

Having these big goals are great. They might help some people keep focused and motivated for a month, but then what? How long before I get to my goal?

Here at SSYC we focus on the process to achieve those goals. The process involves habits which will contribute to those goals.

For example

  • See a personal trainer twice a week to put on muscle and drop fat

  • Increasing my steps from 5,000 to 7,000 each day to improve your cardiac health

  • Eating a salad each day to improve your fibre

  • Drinking an additional Litre of water each day to improve hydration

  • Increasing from 5 minutes of cardio to 10 minutes each day to improve stamina

    All the amazing results you see from our results page are by clients who consistently work on one to two habits at a time, Do not overwhelm yourself with more than two habits.

    Keep it simple and achieve those results, We are here to help everyone with your fitness questions and goals

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How to keep the weight loss off over Christmas

It all begins with an idea.

Christmas time is upon us! This means more eat, more drink and probably increase our bodyfat. Then everyone comes back in the gym and start to undo all that damage we did over the Christmas period.

So, how do I prevent or minimize gaining excess weight over this period?

Here at SimonSaysYouCan we use a technique called calorie banking. For example if I eat 2000 calories a day and on Sunday I’m going to indulge and eat more than normal, we would get clients save 200-300 calories from Monday-Saturday. This will allow you to have a buffer of 1000-1500 calories and not stress out on Sunday.

but how do I know how many calories i’m eating? & why do calories matter?

Great questions, firstly calories can be measured on an app myfitnesspal, this app will let you set up your daily calories intake as well as track protein,carbohydrates and fats. You can simply scan a barcode or use the search engine on myfitnesspal to determine what the nutritional information of the food has and track the numbers.
Secondly calories are the measurement of energy from food, they can be used interchangeably. So if you consume to much calories/energy and don’t utilize the energy your body will storage the energy for later. This is where the term energy in verse energy out comes from. Also make sure while doing this to keep protein levels high to maintain muscle and also keeping you full longer.

For any questions feel free to message or comment below

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